- Your skin is mostly glue.
Remember when you were a kid and you used to let PVA dry on your hand then peel it off? This is your life now.
- Accidentally drinking the paint water is an everyday hazard.
‘Don’t drink the paint water’ mug by Doofery on Etsy.
- You put down your tools and they immediately vanish, then magically reappear after you’ve torn your hair out looking for them for five minutes.
- You move the furniture to clean and find little hoards of scrap paper/wool/material/string.
- You take said scraps and ‘tidy’ them away. Because you NEVER KNOW when a 2cm x 1cm piece of material may come in handy.
- You have a different pair of scissors for every possible material. Woe betide the person who uses the fabric scissors for paper.
- Whenever you enter a craft store you feel like this:
- No matter how many supplies you have, there’s always something else you need.
- Whenever Taylor Swift’s ‘Shake It Off’ comes on the radio, you hear this:
- Finally, no matter what the problem, you know that Pinterest will have the answer.
2 replies on “10 Things Only Hardcore Crafters Will Understand”
“Woe betide the person who uses the fabric scissors for paper”:D π We were talking about this at my Roller Derby teams craft session on Saturday! We all had other halves that like to steal our fabric scissors because they’re sharper. I’ve resorted to hiding mine.
100% agree, especially with points 3, 5 and 7!