
Simple origami pumpkin tutorial – step by step with pictures

Try making this origami pumpkin in a variety of colours and patterns for a fun autumn project. Youโ€™ll need a sheet of fairly thin square paper; crease the folds with a creasing tool, or you can use the back of your thumb nail.

  • Start with the square of paper turned so it looks like a diamond
  • Fold it in half, top corner to bottom corner
  • Fold in half again, corner to opposite corner, along the top edge
  • Lift the flap youโ€™ve just folded, and open up the layersโ€ฆ
  • Squash this layer into a neat diamond shape
  • Flip over sideways, and do the same squash fold on the other flap
  • You should now have a nice diamond shape, with layers that open at the bottom
  • Take the top flap on the left over to the rightโ€ฆ
  • Fold this to the left, so the top sloped edge lines up with the central crease
  • Fold the bottom sloped edge to line up with the central crease
  • Take this layer back over to the right and press the creases flat
  • Next, take the top flap on the right over to the left, and make the same two folds
  • Once youโ€™ve taken that flap back over to the right, you should be left with a slim diamond shape in the middle
  • Flip the model over
  • Fold over the top and bottom corners a small amount to shape the pumpkin
  • Fold both side corners in, roughly the same amount (you can take a look at the right side to check youโ€™re happy with the shape, and adjust these folds if necessary)
  • Take the small top triangle you folded over, and fold the point up, so the tip sticks out a bit over the top of the pumpkin, creating the stalk
  • Turn it over to the right side to see the finished result!

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