Craft Notebooks Paper Stationery

A proper little hardback- first attempt

It’s taken me a while to get round to doing one of these, but I finally found the time to have a go at doing a traditionally bound hard back notebook with a proper spine.

Really enjoyed sewing up the signatures, very satisfying:

They’re actually a little loose I think, but as a first attempt I think it worked quite well.

Very pleased with the finished result:

Craft Notebooks Paper Stationery

Geometric notebook decorations

Updated some of my stab-bound notebooks by layering simple geometric shapes on the cover. And writing the word ‘notes’ on the front, just for good measure.

Inspiration Notebooks Paper Stationery

Weekly Inspiration- Scrapbooking

When I was younger, I thought scrapbooking meant literally putting scraps of paper into a book.

In the last few years, I’ve come to think of it as more of a cheesy American thing and all about having notebooks full of stuff and making the pages look fancy and sticking lots of things in them- not just scraps of paper. You can buy kits and everything, to help you scrapbook. This seemed a bit over the top to me and never really appealed; however, I liked the idea of making notebooks or journals for other people to scrapbook in.

I thought I’d start off by doing a bit of research into scrapbooking and the kind of notebooks and papers people wanted to use for it. Inevitably, on my Google travels, a Wikipedia entry popped up and caught my eye.

And ohmyword did it make me want to start scrapbooking. All I had to read was this paragraph and I was HOOKED:

Friendship scrapbook example from approximately 1795 – 1834

The following photographs show some of the pages from a “Memorial of Friendship” scrapbook kept by Anne Wagner, a British woman, between 1795 and 1834. She belonged to the same social circle as the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Anne Wagner’s scrapbook includes pages she created, as well as contributions from friends and relatives. The scrapbook contains handwritten poems, notes left by friends and relatives, and decoupage ephemera like locks of hair, decorative paper clippings, ribbons, and detailed watercolour sketches.

*Squeek!* these pictures make me go all fluttery:

I have come to the realisation that scrapbooking is something that has been missing in my life. I always keep ticket stubs, bits of printed info, articles I find interesting- they’re all in a magazine file, gathering dust. They need a home. They need a scrapbook.

The idea of having friends and relatives contribute I really do like- I can’t think of anything better than having a notebook full of sketches, doodles, pictures, poems and writing from people I know and love. Those who know me be warned!

Craft Notebooks Stationery

New stock- A4 books

I’m not entirely sure what to market these as. Sketch books? Journals? Scrap books? Do with them what you will, they are darned pretty.

Craft Notebooks Origami Stationery

Small Sunday craft fair

Just a few pictures from our most recent craft fair. Not a lot of sales, but a couple of contacts!

Art Inspiration Stationery

Weekly Inspiration- Cardcaptors

Ok, so this isn’t reeeally 100% about crafts. As I may have mentioned, we’re going to Florida soon. I’m making a notebook to take; it’s a little one, handbag sized, with a pocket in the back to put theme park tickets etc. The cover will be decorated with cartoon figures representing everyone going. 

My first thought was DISNEY, even though we’re only going for one day. Awesome. Job done. Plenty of Disney characters to choose from. But then, none of them really have my hair.

And I got to thinking.

Who does?

Cardcaptor Sakura!

Little manga versions of everyone would be awesome. Manga always inspires me to draw.

Craft Notebooks Stationery

Italian paper sketch pads

I’ve recently completed a job lot of ten A5 sketch pads, all covered in the absolutely beautiful paper I bought in Florence. They look rather nice together, so I thought I’d share:


Lunchtime Lusting Stationery

Lunchtime Lusting – Jpop at Paperchase

Back to school stationery shopping was always fun for me. There’s just something satisfying about writing in a brand new notebook with brand new pens. That feeling that perhaps this notebook will be the one that contains only good ideas and actually stays neat; no crossing out, no scribbles, no mess. Sadly that was never the case!  

The Jpop range at Paperchase is just way too cute- if I was going back to school, I would want everything.

I’m sure I would have remembered things more at school if they were highlighted with these:

Homework would not be a chore if everything was in this handy planner:

I would convince my mum that if I had this, I would never want for another ring binder again:

Lunch would taste so much better from these:

I’m sure I can resist the temptation…