Picked up a great little paperback copy of ‘War Of The Worlds’ at lunch!
I love the illustration on the cover – and the font! Everything, in fact. This particular edition is from 1967. I found the image here, a fabulous page dedicated to War Of The Worlds covers dating back from 1898.
It’s a 21st Century Bestiary. “Ranging from the depths of the ocean to the most arid corners of the earth, Caspar Henderson captures the beauty and bizarreness of the many living forms we thought we knew and some we could never have contemplated, and invites us to better imagine the world around us.”
You can take a sneeky peek at the introduction on Amazon – you won’t regret it.
First visit to the charity shop this year and I visually stumbled upon ‘The Book Of Madness And Cures’ by Regina O’Melveny:
The title is as intriguing as the cover, and a quick scan of the blurb on the back cover (in short – a female doctor in Renaissance Venice is compelled to cross Europe in search of her father) confirmed my gut feeling- that I should buy the bookΒ immediately!
For the first time, Amazon sent me a recommendation that was appropriate. Even though I’ve never purchased a Philip Pullman book from the site, they emailed me to let me know he had a new book out- Grimm Tales: For Old And Young. The hardback cover is just perfect:
I’ve put it on my Christmas list, but I’m not sure I can wait that long!
It’s really great to see publishers fighting against the rise of these new-fangled digital book things by bringing out beautiful new covers.
This lovely Penguin hardback edition of Flappers And Philosophers, a collection of short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a great example. Why would anyone not want this book on their shelf? I do, even though I already have most of these stories in other collections.
The question I find the most difficult to answer is always “What’s your favourite…?” Be it film, book, song orΒ pizza topping, I can never choose just one.
Now, I don’t think this is my all-time favourite cover; but I have been thinking, and I reckon if I were really pressed to choose, I would say that Thrump-O-Moto is my favourite book.
This book has been in my life a long time and the cover is something that has always fascinated, intrigued and excited me:
Written by James Clavell and beautifully illustrated by George Sharp.
Everyone knows that you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. This is often quite literally true; however, beautiful covers do entice. I often find myself, having spied a pretty book on the train being read by someone else, making a concerted effort to find that book, and indeed that particular beautifully bound edition.
The first cover I’m featuring is one that I indeed spied on an early morning train journey; I could not take my eyes off the cover or fail to be intrigued by the title.
My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk, Faber & Faber edition, has a well laid out cover featuring an exquisite illustration:
This book is definitely worth a read in my opinion. I found it quite hard to keep on going while I was reading it; but whenever I wasn’t reading it, IΒ found I wasΒ constantly thinking about it.