Lunchtime Lusting

Lunchtime Lusting- Holly Cupcakes

Holly Cupcakes has to be one of the cutest cake supply sites I’ve come across. Not only can you buy all the usuals from here, such as cupcake cases, baking equipment and that all important edible glitter, Holly Cupcakes also offers a brilliant range of edible cake decorations.

Surely I need some Fairy Princess ones? This one needs to be on my cupcakes!

Everything just looks so very pretty- and cupcakes were made to be pretty. Well, that and to taste good, of course. There are also these delightful cupcake decorating kits, of which my favourite is the pirate one. Or the dinosaur. No- pirate. You get a recipe, cases, glitter and edible deocrations, all in a lovely box.



Festive baking- reindeer cupcakes

It’s a bit late now, I know; but I didn’t get round to making these until after Christmas and I simply couldn’t wait until next year to do them. 

My mother-in-law gave me these adorable edible decorations from Holly Cupcakes, a website that shall be thoroughly investigated very soon.

The cupcake recipe I used was a very basic one. I got some tips from the Queen of Cupcake Corner, who said recipes with milk usually turned out nice and light. Here it is (makes 12):

  • 150g butter
  • 150g caster sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 150g self raising flour
  • 2-3 tbsp milk

First, cream the butter and the sugar. Make sure the butter is nice and soft before you begin. I usually do this by hand, but as I was at my parents I used their food processor- so much quicker!

Next, beat in the eggs. I was told you need to do this for a long time, which is much easier with a food processor- it got the mixture really really smooth.

Then fold in the flour carefully, making sure you don’t over mix it. Add a little milk to make it dropping consistency, then fill your cases. As I wanted poofy tops for my reindeer, I filled some up more than others. Bake at 180 degrees C for about 20 mins. They turned out pretty good!

To ice them, I made a batch of butter icing; 6oz of icing suger, 3oz of butter. I know, I used grammes before, but I’m not fussy, I just use whatever recipe I like the look of! I replaced just under 1oz of icing sugar with 1oz of cocoa powder, to make a vaguely reindeer coloured icing. Not having anything else, I just smoothed this on with a knife.

After that it was just a case of decorating! I used some red icing to do the noses, but you could use lots of things: chocolate peanuts or raisins, cherries, cranberries…