

A belated Happy New Year, fellow crafters! I’ve had a slow start but am getting into the swing of things now. So far, I’ve completed one very cute knitted bunny, made from just one square of knitting:

Knitted bunny

I found the tutorial on Pinterest (naturally!). There are loads of good ones out there and it’s simple to do, so get Googling ‘knitted square bunny’ and have a go yourself.

Craft Notebooks Paper Stationery

Knitted and paper craft stall

Craft Paper Stationery

More on Folksy!

I’ve added more festive Christmas gift tags to the Craft Fantastic Folksy shop!

I’ve also added some knitted hair bows:

You can check out the shop here.


Newly Knitted- little glove things

After having knitted a pair of boot cuffs as a Christmas present, it was requested that I also knit a pair of arm warmers, to match. I didn’t actually have much of the same wool left, so I knitted little glove things instead.

Here’s the pattern I use:

  • Cast on 40 stitches
  • Knit one row
  • Then start ribbing pattern; knit 3, purl 1
  • Do the opposite on the next row, i.e. knit 1, purl 3.
  • Keep this up untilΒ it’s the desired length, then cast off.

Then all you have to do is sew them up. I sewed about half and inch up from the top, left room for the thumb, then carried on sewing to the bottom. The buttons I added to match in with the boot cuffs: